School Transitions
We know it can be stressful for little ones to move on to ‘big school’ so we aim to make this transition as smooth as possible. Your child will be able to start school confident, ready to learn, to make friends and to enjoy the new experience.
In pre-school our dedicated staff work towards getting your child ‘Ready4School’. Before your child ‘graduates’ they will normally experience our ‘Ready4School’ programme including ‘School Week’ activities.
At the end of the year we even have our very own graduation ceremonies!
Prior to the children leaving the nursery to start school the Key Persons will plan and provide a variety of activities to promote school readiness.
Activities will include:
Teacher Visits – We work closely with the local schools and invite the teachers to visit the children at the nursery. Teachers will come to the nursery to introduce themselves and they often stay to read a story or play with the children.
Dressing Up – children wear the school uniform where they are going to attend to get them used to the new dress.
Role Play – including playing teacher and taking the register
Graduation – a fun day where children reflect on their time at nursery and celebrate their accomplishments.
Staff will also discuss with the children how they feel about starting school and allay any fears or worries they may have.
We involve parents in the transition process and will share ideas with you as to what you can do at home to support your child in being ready to start school.